Broken Column

Last Updated May 24, 2023
When a brother passes away and we are not supplied with the date of death and do not have a telephone number or can not find an obituary, we use June 15th as the death date. That way we and the Grand Lodge of Kansas knows the date is missing and needs replacing should the correct date be discovered.
Our Most Recent Fallen Brother:
Brother David Leroy Rector
Fallen Brothers reported this year: 2023
B:. Dennis Henry Taylor January 28, 2023
B:. Donald Clyde Gard Jr. February 3, 2023
B:. David Leroy Rector March 3, 2023
End of Year Ceremony: December 16, 2022
Our thirteen deceased Brothers reported during 2022 were honored at our December 16th Regular Stated Communication by subdued lighting and a solemn reading of each name followed by the sounding of a gong. The Worshipful Master then called for a Moment of Silence in rememberance of these good Brethren. The Chaplain offered a prayer of rememberance. A motion was made, seconded, and passed by those in attendance to purchase Perepetural Life Memorials for each deceased Brother so, even in passing, his name will be in our files and recorded on our Annual Report, forever.
2835 N 103rd Terrace, Kansas City, KS 66109