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Time to Grow: W.M:. Philip Gicalone Sr. - 2023

Updated: Feb 19

Spring has sprung! The flowers and grass are growing and so is our lodge. We have conferred first, second, and third degrees so far this year. We have petitions to receive and petitions to vote on. Our lodge Brothers have been hard at work practicing the ritual. And conferring degrees. We are fortunate that we can do all of our own work in house. We are also fortunate to have W;.B;. Jimmie Hannah, W:.B:. Bob Jeselnik, and R:.W:. Vernon Clark to conduct our Study Clubs. and Monday nights and Wednesday mornings.

If you know a Brother that would like to improve his ritual prowess, invite him to our Study Clubs. 

R:.W:. Adrian Iliescu, DDGM for Area 8 will make his Official Spring Visit at our May 5th Regular Stated Communication. We will also have 25 year emblems presentations. There will be an Area 8 School of Instruction at Old Mission Lodge #153 on Saturday May 6th at 9:00 A.M. Our very own R:.W:. Earl Genter Jr. will be the Grand Lecturer that day. I encourage all Master Masons to attend this or some school this year.

Don't forget to tell your Mother and your Lady how much you love them on Mother's Day, as well as every other day of the year. Invite them to our May 5th Family Dinner.

This Memorial Day, the Legion of Honor from the Abdallah Shrine will host their "Annual Wreath Laying Ceremony" at Wyandotte Co. Lake at 9:00 A.M. Family and friends are invited to this ceremony that is open to the public. If their is inclement weather, the event will be held at Wyandotte Lodge.

On Sunday June 25th, lodge officers and members will be attending the Kansas City Monarchs Baseball game at Village West as a group. Come by the lodge and get your name on the list, or call and let us know if you want to go with us. I am requesting all lodge members to wear a Wyandotte Lodge #3 polo shirt and hat.

W.M. Philip A. Gicalone

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